
Take care of your health and of the planet. Save your future.

LIXE® does not cause any combustion and is a valid substitute for traditional cigarettes as it reduces the damage, caused by smoking.

Along with being your support on the path to decreasing the damage of smoking, LIXE® is also considerate of the environment. 90% of its components are recyclable and we’re working to make it to 100%.

LIXE®; is designed to last for a long time: this is a benefit for you and for the environment. It has undergone many strict tests to resist any condition and to always guarantee high performance.

Thanks to LIXE® Recycling Program you can bring your non working LIXE® to one of many “LIXE® POINT”s and help us recycle all used materials hence avoid pollution and tossing in the environment.

All non working cigarettes will be subject to recycling process of all used materials.

find the nearest lixe point
